(have you watched siblings during the aftermath of a family death when dividing up an estate - this is so often not pretty!) The very nature of man is to strive for the betterment of the individual (hello CARL :P ...
Batzai sheretz ha'of yarok - the eggs of a green non-kosher bird. Rav Sneech amar: Zeh anafah yarok - this is the Green Heron. Rav Dolittle amar: Zeh tuki - this is the parrot. Mai "Ham"? Basar davar acher - the flesh of a swine. ...
BubbyT said... Happy Birthday Leora from Daniella and the rest of us. October 21, 2007 2:17 AM ? ADDeRabbi said... there's an isaeli political paty called 'aleh yarok' (green leaf), whose platform is the legalization of marijuana. ...